Commitment To Sustainability

This page provides transparency on our key focus areas, current initiatives, goals and performance metrics as we advance our citizenship and align operations with urgent global challenges. We approach sustainability as a continuous improvement process, not an end state. There is always more we can do. Through regular review and updating of the targets, policies and measurement strategies outlined here, we hold ourselves accountable to walking the talk, continuously strengthening our commitment to embed purpose beyond profits.

Sustainability Mission Statement

Our organisation is dedicated to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. We are committed to incorporating sustainability principles into all areas of our business including our company operations, product development practices, partnerships, and company culture.

We will strive to minimise our environmental footprint by conserving resources, reducing waste, and offsetting unavoidable emissions from our operations. We will also consider the full lifecycle impacts of our products and services – from design to end-of-life – in order to provide offerings that help solve sustainability challenges rather than deepen them.

Furthermore, we will align our projects and partnerships with the UN Sustainable Development Goals most relevant to our capabilities. This includes setting targets and tracking performance data related to responsible production and consumption (SDG 12), climate change mitigation (SDG 13), and other key goals.

We will forge collaborative relationships with our employees, supply chain partners, industry peers, nonprofits and other stakeholders to scale positive impact. We aim to set an example of ethical, people-centric business focused on creating value for society, shareholders and the environment alike.

Our Sustainability Goals And Progress

As a member of 1% For The Planet, we have committed to donating 1% of our annual revenues to approved environmental nonprofits and through connections made via the Green Future Project. This supports innovative sustainability initiatives and reflects our aim to leverage profit for purpose.

2024 Sustainability Goals

  • Measure our company carbon footprint and identify opportunities to actively reduce emissions related to operations, employee commutes, and product distribution by at least 5% over 2021 baselines.
  • Implement a responsible resourcing program for our main raw material input streams including recycled content targets and ethical sourcing commitments.
  • Develop employee engagement program to educate and activate our team around living more sustainably – both professionally and personally. Goal of all employees actively participating.

Q1 2024 Sustainability Progress

  • Completed analysis of Green Future Project and identified 3 climate change-focused organisations for our donations to support based on project impact, scale and urgent need.
  • Began data collection around key inputs from suppliers and logistics partners to feed into our baseline carbon footprint assessment. On track for completion end of Q2.
  • Held sustainability idea crowdsourcing session with employees to shape our engagement program. Themes around waste reduction, commuting solutions and greening the office space are top priorities.

By starting to quantify our impacts and activate change from within, we are on the path towards embedding substantive sustainability progress as we deliver our products and services. We recognise this is a long-term, evolving commitment that will require focus and transparency around targets and performance.

Our Sustainability Policies And Processes

Environmental Management System

We are in the process of developing a comprehensive environmental management system (EMS) aligned with the ISO 14001 standard to provide a framework and formalise our sustainability processes. The EMS will cover:

  • Environmental Policy: This will serve as our guiding sustainability vision and commitments.
  • Active Impact Monitoring: We will consistently measure, track, and analyse environmental KPIs including emissions, energy use, water use, waste.
  • Legal/Regulatory Compliance: Our EMS will integrate an environmental legal compliance review process and controls.
  • Sustainability Training: Employees will undergo mandatory sustainability onboarding and ongoing EMS training.
  • Annual Auditing and Reporting: Internal/external annual environmental performance audit and reporting to stakeholders on the above KPIs.

Sustainable Procurement Policy

Our procurement policy mandates environmental and social factors be considered including:

  • Preferentially choosing suppliers with environmental management certifications
  • Screening supplier environmental/social performance and supply chain impacts.
  • Requiring environmental responsibility commitments from key suppliers.

Responsible Travel Policy

Our employee travel policy encourages:

  • Minimising overall business travel mileage/emissions through remote meeting solutions.
  • Selecting sustainable transportation options like EV rental cars.
  • Offsetting all unavoidable work-related transportation emissions.

The EMS development along with implementation of supporting responsible procurement, travel and other sustainability polices will be a key focus over 2023/2024. This will formalise our processes and provide a systematic framework for driving environmental performance improvements.

Green Products And Services

Green Software Development

We develop our software solutions sustainably following Green Software standards and principles to minimise negative environmental impacts of our code. This includes:

  • Optimising efficiency to reduce processing power/energy usage
  • Building flexibility into software architecture to maximise lifespan
  • Designing for future circularity including reuse of components
  • Enabling emissions visibility and providing client carbon reporting

Through applying green software best practices, we aim to create digital solutions that are inherently environmentally friendly across their full life cycle.

100% Renewable Cloud Hosting

We utilise cloud hosting services powered entirely by renewable energy to minimise the carbon emissions associated with running our software products. By opting for 100% renewable energy-backed servers, we help drive demand for further capacity additions that accelerate the global low-carbon transition of IT infrastructure.

Overall, ingraining sustainability into how we develop and deliver software is integral for providing responsible digital products able to assist society meet their own sustainable transformation commitments.

As next steps we are putting in place processes to provide clients enhanced reporting including product carbon footprints and quantification of associated emissions avoided through application of our solutions.


Innovative digital products for organisations and businesses who align with the UN SDGs

Get in touch with us today to discuss your project and how we can help.

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